Promo for wedding photographer email template bundle

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The Wedding Email Template Bundle

No more stress, wasted time, or agony. In just 15 minutes, you can TOTALLY revamp your wedding client workflow!

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pump up your email game!

The Family Email Template Bundle

With the ease (and fun!) of filling out a mad lib, you can upgrade five key touch points of your family photography client workflow!

UX Design for photographers blog post image

UX Design For Photographers: How To Apply 5 UX Basics To Your Photography Website

There’s this fancy new term floating around the online business world right now. You’ve probably seen it and drifted right past because it looks like something for tech nerds and coders. But it’s so much more…and we believe it could change the way photographers think about their businesses forever: UX Design. But is UX Design for photographers a thing? And what even is it? Refill that coffee, girl, and let’s chat UX Design for photographers!

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Header for Pinterest strategy for photographers blog post by The Write Lens

Simple 7-Step Pinterest Strategy for Photographers: How We Went From 0 to 200k+ Monthly Viewers in Less Than a Year!

When we officially launched The Write Lens Pinterest page about a year ago, we had zero Pinterest strategy, let alone a sharable Pinterest strategy for photographers! But after some heavy research, trial and error, and constant tweaking, we found success! So, we wanted to share with you how we went from “umm…idk just post something?” to 200k+ monthly views on our Pinterest in less than a year! And using our 7-step strategy, you can do it, too!

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Photographer sending an inquiry response email to a potential client

Getting Ghosted? Here Are 5 Things You’re Doing Wrong In Your Inquiry Response Email!

Being left on read stings! It can also be very bewildering. There’s good news, though! Your “ghost rate” is actually something YOU have a degree of control over! Not total control obviously, because sometimes ghosts just gonna ghost. But if you notice your ghost rate is creeping uncomfortably high and you want to bring it down, there’s one place to start your work: your inquiry response email!

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is fear holding your photography business back thumbnail

Is Fear Holding Your Photography Business Back?

One of the biggest stumbling blocks solopreneurs have to overcome is the tendency to operate from a place of fear. Instead of confidently charging forward with belief in service, approach, and self, they come at every potential client with the equivalent of an awkward side hug. Everything is couched in 10 layers of “only if you want.” Nothing is chased with all-in enthusiasm. And it can have a terrible effect on your business! So, I have to ask: is fear the thing that’s holding your photography business back?

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San Francisco With Grace and Gold website template for photographers

2022 Best Website Templates for Photographers

While I think any week is a good week to revamp the most critical piece of marketing in your photography business, the first week of the year couldn’t be a better time to give that dusty old website a revamp! But does that mean you have to invest in a months-long, high-ticket custom redesign? Not necessarily! There are plenty of sensational website templates for photographers running around the web. And I’m sharing 8 of my favorites!

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SEO for photography websites blog post teaching photographers how to master SEO for photographer by The Write Lens thumbnail

SEO for Photography Websites: How to Show Up on Page One of Google

Your photography website is the keystone of your marketing strategy as a photographer. It shows your prices, your portfolio, your personality, and your professionalism. But if you’re not showing up on the coveted first page of Google, no one’s going to see all the hard work you’ve put into it! And that’s freaking frustrating! So, how do you get potential clients looking at your site? That’s where SEO comes in. But what is photography SEO, and how can you master the art of SEO for photography websites?

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Meet the copywriter for photographers.

Oh, hey!

I’m Erica, the brains behind the clacking computer keys! I’m an introverted extrovert, a sympathy crier who also loves to box, a person who reads comic books while wearing floral dresses…and plants flowers in Wonder Woman t-shirts. I’m a crazy collection of opposites and beyond excited to turn your astonishing personality into words that will build your business.


6 Overused Phrases Weakening Your About Me Page

Need a website refresh but don't know where to start?
Don't freak out! I can give you a hand with that.