Promo for wedding photographer email template bundle

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The Wedding Email Template Bundle

No more stress, wasted time, or agony. In just 15 minutes, you can TOTALLY revamp your wedding client workflow!

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pump up your email game!

The Family Email Template Bundle

With the ease (and fun!) of filling out a mad lib, you can upgrade five key touch points of your family photography client workflow!

photography website FAQs blog post by The Write Lens

FAQs: 7 Ways To Make This Often-Forgotten Corner of Your Photography Website Work Overtime

What if a potential client could come into a consultation with specific, unique questions instead of the same four or five every person asks? It’s possible! Follow along, and I’ll show you how to let this often-forgotten corner of your website put in that extra work for you, so you can relax and watch ideal clients roll in. Alright, photographers! Let’s learn how to A some Qs like a pro!

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branding for photographers building a voice by the write lens

Branding for Photographers: Building a Business Identity

You’ve probably heard that your photography business needs a brand. But what is “a brand,” anyway? To keep it simple: a brand is how people identify your business. From written voice to color selection to font, your brand is a series of shortcuts people use to know that, oh hey, it’s you. Like curly Coke font, the bright white Apple boxes, or the friendly staff at Trader Joe’s, brands use various tools to stand apart from the crowd. But how does branding for photographers work?

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photography website content tips for 2022 by the write lens main blog thumbnail

22 Photography Website Tips for 2022

Optimizing web content for 2022? But it’s only October! Well, my friends, it’s truly never too early to get your photography website ready for the new year. Why wait for the busy holiday season of engagements and new client inquiries to get your site in order? Let’s just do it right now! Later often means never, and now is the best time to give your site a refresh for booking season and the new year!

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60 days of Instagram content ideas for photographers blog post

60 Days of Instagram Content Ideas for Photographers

As a photographer, your Instagram page is one of your best marketing tools. But between the oversaturation of content on the platform and the need to magically guess what your followers will respond to, putting together a comprehensive Instagram content strategy can feel exhausting. That’s why I’m going to help you do it! Find 60 FREE prompts for your grid, 40 for your stories, and 20 for your reels in this post!

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photography website mistakes you might be making written by The Write Lens

11 Massive Photography Website Mistakes You Might Be Making

We’ve talked tips, but we rarely document the cringes, the oh-dears, and the shocked expressions we have when we visit certain photography websites. And, from one friend to another, we do not want you to fall into these traps! From disregarding CTA’s entirely to not including a single word on your homepage, here are some of the top photography website mistakes we routinely see out in the wild.

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How to market your photography business in the everyone's a photographer era blog post thumbnail

How To Market Your Photography Business in the “Everyone’s A Photographer” Era

How do you articulate the value you bring when marketing to people who aren’t fully on board with shelling out a few thousand dollars to hire a wedding photographer? How the heck do you market your wedding photography business like a pro? The answer is simple: you show that you do so much more than click a button! Most wedding planning couples just don’t understand that. Instead of getting frustrated by that gnawing fact, however, let’s educate them!

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Meet the copywriter for photographers.

Oh, hey!

I’m Erica, the brains behind the clacking computer keys! I’m an introverted extrovert, a sympathy crier who also loves to box, a person who reads comic books while wearing floral dresses…and plants flowers in Wonder Woman t-shirts. I’m a crazy collection of opposites and beyond excited to turn your astonishing personality into words that will build your business.


6 Overused Phrases Weakening Your About Me Page

Need a website refresh but don't know where to start?
Don't freak out! I can give you a hand with that.